Home Political 2 Year Old Circumcised Behind Mother’s Back. The Fight For Phoenix

2 Year Old Circumcised Behind Mother’s Back. The Fight For Phoenix


Yesterday, a Florida mother, Ashley Kaidel had her son returned to her circumcised and with a penis infection after a visit with the boy’s father. Michael Kaidel cut his son’s penis to spite Ashley, and he refuses to name the doctor that committed the crime. Ashley had Michael’s word that he would not circumcise their son. A broken mother and baby spent their evening in the ER, and they will be fighting for justice for the baby boy, Phoenix Kaidel.



Ashley communicated with Brother K:
“Today is the day that I died. I will never ever be the same again much less him.”

Brother K reports: “Yesterday she got the terrible news that her ex had circumcised her son behind her back, when he returned the boy to her after a visit. He had vowed never to cut their baby, and broke his word. She was still in shock last night, and appreciates the support of the intactivist community.”

It is believed that Michael Kaidel committed the crime to spite the mother. He has once protested circumcision as a violation of human rights and agreed to leave their son intact.
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Just a couple months ago, Ashley proudly stated how happy her little intact baby is: March 18, 2017: “My sweet baby. Almost 2 years old and besides normal aches and pains from teething, he has never felt pain and deception. I sleep well at night knowing my baby was welcomed earth side with loving kisses, milk and cuddles. Not strangers in white coats, Velcro and knives. ❤️”

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But, here we see him traumatized at the ER last night with a penis infection after his biological dad hurt him.Image may contain: 1 person, baby, closeup and indoor

Michael Kaidel used his son, Phoenix, to harm Ashley. He knew that hurting the boy would hurt her more than anything. A message needs to be sent that one parent cannot use a child to harm the other parent.
Ashley spent yesterday consoling Phoenix and treating his infection. Ashley’s friends have started   #FightForPhoenix to organize any potential fundraising or other efforts to help Phoenix.

UPDATE: Ashley never promoted this story herself. She confided in close friends who shared her story with a group of anti-circumcision activists. She has been accused of using the story to gain attention, and that was never the case. After the news broke, Ashley went silent and deactivated her facebook account.


  1. To mutilate the genitals of a child in order to SPITE an ex is BEYOND despicable. The actions of this sperm donor–and make no mistake, he is nothing more than just that–are the actions of someone who is a narcissistic psychopath. It speaks volumes to how developmentally and emotionally disabled this man is (avoiding using the R word, but if there’s a poster boy for the word, he’s that man-child). To his own detriment his actions will cut off his relationship with his son eventually. He may not hate and reject his dad now at such a young age, but as he grows into a find young man (thanks to his mother) he will realize just how pathetic and sad his own father truly is. And worse, not just pathetic but CRUEL and malicious. This boy eventually, mark my very words, will reject this deplorable man as a father. And the “father” will have no one to blame but himself.

    Sending peace and love to the two tragic victims of …okay, I’m sorry I can’t help myself, victims of a TOTAL EMOTIONAL RETARD.

  2. This bio dad needs to be arrested and charged with physical maiming and harming a child. This is a life long and permanent mutilation impressed upon a child. Sending love to the mama and the child♥️ Karma can be harsh and the bio dad will suffer as a result of his obvious anger issues and abusive nature. What a violent thing to do to another human being, cutting off the foreskin. Unimaginable, inhumane and excrutiating.

  3. I really hope she’s able to have the courts revoke visitation rights. She should change her last name and change her son’s last name to not reflect this sick SOB. That mental case lost his son the moment he betrayed them the moment he allowed a knife to penetrate this two year old’s genitals and sever parts from his penis.

  4. We decided that circumcision was best for my son. But what he did was horrible. I think all parents would agree that no matter your stance; doing something like that to a child and not properly caring for it is horrible! And he may have contributes to the child’s existance, but he should not be considered a father!

    • If you believe it was sonright for your son then why are you hiding behind anonymity, it’s not your penis, why should you be allowed to make the decision it’s just plain wrong the mutilate a child and that’s what you’ve done. No parent should be allowed to make this decision it should not be your right it, isn’t but it sure is against your child’s rights. Women have foreskins also so before you cut your son’s foreskins off if you are are a woman you should have gone & had your foreskin cut off first. None of that crap they tell you as far as medical reasons to cut are true. Doctor’s have been lying about this for over 100 years & no 2onder it makes them huge amounts of money.

  5. Even though I am okay with circumcision, I believe this was a horrible thing to do to this child. Surely the right time is either during the first week of life, when healing is easy, or else in adulthood, when the child can then make his own decisions. I am very sorry these traumatic things have happened to you and especially to your adorable son. :'(

    • Katharine — you are no better than this man. The foreskin belongs to the infant boy — not you, your family, your God, doctors, the hospital, your culture.

      There is no “right” time to mutilate an infant boy’s genitals.

      • I think this is a time for us all to unite, guys. Maybe we can all start seeing the error in the ways of parents to believe that they can abuse parental rights to the point of hurting each other and their children. I am against circumcision, but I am happy that Katherine commented here. We can be happy that she shares the common ground of knowing that it is not acceptable for such a thing to be done without both parents consent (and yes, it should be the child’s consent, too, IMO).

  6. I literally cried last night for my dear friend and her son whom I’ve gotten to know on a very personal level after driving both her and her son to numerous circumcision protests this year. This utterly pointless procedure was performed on two year old Phoenix not for mythical health reasons…it was nothing more than a cowardly act of spiteful aggression aimed straight at Ashley, who now feels she failed her little boy for believing her estranged (and deranged) husband would never put his own flesh and blood in harm’s way! His narcissistic arrogance and selfishness will ultimately ruin the very love Phoenix once had for his father.

  7. Wow! That man should consider himself extremely isn’t my brother or my sister’s boyfriend. I think he’d be in a wheelchair or the cemetery by now. Forget court cases or prison time, he wouldn’t need to worry about that while he spends the rest of his life sucking his meals through a straw, or rotting 6 feet under the ground. And I for one wouldn’t care if I spent the rest of my life in prison. He would pay for it, you can rest assured.

    That man should be charged with various offenses – including performing surgery without the consent of the mother, and maybe even for kidnapping. He took her child with the intention of doing something that both parents had agreed not to, and that in and of itself should be classed as kidnapping.

    I hope this loser never sees his son ever again, or if he does, it will be the day his son beats his sad, miserable, psychopathic ass to a pulp.

  8. I woke up to this fucking bullshit on my wall this morning so I feel the need to also voice my OPINION and comment, (which I never do but this shit is over the top) on this fucking PRIVATE ISSUE because it goes on, and on,and on, on my FB page. WTF!!! He is the boys BIOLOGICAL FATHER!!! You fucking idiots especially Korene Shelton! I had to read that post again to make sure I was reading it correctly! “No parent should go through that” (poor Ashley) really? HE IS THE CHILDS PARENT!!!! You said it “BIO”….. AS IN…. Biological father!! He has rights and can make decisions FOR “HIS SON” AND DOESNT NEED HER PERMISSION!!! Just as “she chooses” not to get him immunization (baby holding a sign) AND SHE SEEMS TO MAKE THAT DECISION ON HER OWN WITHOUT “CONSULTANTING” HIS FATHER, but that seems to be ok and acceptable. You also made the comment “that he didn’t even get to nurse after”, my question is why is a 2 year old still nursing? STOP MAKING THIS ABOUT “YOUR FRIEND ASHLEY”! You should start a gofundmepage for “mental” counseling and not legal counseling because for you, her and everyone else plastering THEIR PRIVATE FAMILY MATTER WITH THEIR SON AND HIS CIRCUMCISION ALL OVER FACEBOOK OBVIOUSLY NEED FUCKING MENTAL COUNSELING! GET A LIFE! So stop talking shit and posting negative shit about Mike Kaiden unless you know him personally please STOP JUDGING him! Have a great day!!!!!

    • You know it is not okay to amputate a child’s body part without even telling the mother that it happened or which doctor, rabbi or who did it? And to let it get infected while avoiding the mother? When there was an agreement with the biological mother to NOT do so. So it looks like the new girlfriend has opposite parental views as your ex wife and you are using her opinion to justify your revenge…that doesn’t make it right. When someone comes to defend themselves and their facebook page instead of defending a child that was needlessly cut open and left neglected enough to get infected…shame, shame, shame.

    • I totally agree Amber P……I think the mother should be looked into for not immunizing her son with the proper shots he needs and WHY ARE U STILL BREASTFEEDING??? SORRY BUT I THINK THT LAW NEEDS TO BE LOOKED INTO MORE THOUROULY …. IF A CHILD CAN EAT FOOD ETC THERE IS NO REASON TO STILL BE BREASTFEEDING… This to me seems like child molestation and a list of mommy issues…… so sad what a shame…..goodluck Mike

  9. This is a despicable excuse for a father…Michael Kaidel you are a MONSTER! You knew better and mutilated and harmed your son to spite you ex…that is deplorable! This boy will come to understand your evil intentions and will forever hate you! You belong in prison for child molestation​! Rot in hell you monster!

  10. I don’t tend to write comments on things because it tends to get you attacked by complete strangers.. but I will say the father has just as much right as the mother to make medical decisions for his child. Fathers rights matter too.
    I will state it was wrong to go behind the mother back, I’m not defending him his actions more so his right to act.
    As she is acting and posting private family matters all over the internet, this is not ok but it is condoned.
    My son is not circumcised, neither is his father.
    Not because I’m against it, but because I wasn’t forking out $500 bucks for something not needed. And when he gets older if he wants it done, he can pay for it himself.

    Further more I feel the Mothers statement
    “Today is the day I died. I will never be the same, much less him.” I’m sorry Mom, it’s not about YOU. YOUR Penis foreskin was not removed, YOU are not tramitized, maybe less trusting of Dads word but not tramitized. And I doubt your son will be either. He will live a normal life, just like half the male population with a circumcised penis.

  11. I don’t tend to write comments on things because it tends to get you attacked by complete strangers.. but I will say the father has just as much right as the mother to make medical decisions for his child. Fathers rights matter too.
    I will state it was wrong to go behind the mother back, I’m not defending him his actions more so his right to act.
    As she is acting and posting private family matters all over the internet, this is not ok but it is condoned.
    My son is not circumcised, neither is his father.
    Not because I’m against it, but because I wasn’t forking out $500 bucks for something not needed. And when he gets older if he wants it done, he can pay for it himself.

    Further more I feel the Mothers statement
    “Today is the day I died. I will never be the same, much less him.” I’m sorry Mom, it’s not about YOU. YOUR Penis foreskin was not removed, YOU are not tramitized, maybe less trusting of Dads word but not tramitized. And I doubt your son will be either. He will live a normal life, just like half the male population with a circumcised penis.

    • Just replying to state that she is not posting this all over the internet. She shut down her facebook page after it happened, and she has not been communicating with anyone since the night that she was in the ER. She took the baby to Urgent Care, and the infection was so bad that they told her to go to the ER. That is the last anyone has heard from her.

      I am a mother, and I would die if this happened to my son..not because I think it is MY penis, but because as mothers, we place protecting and nurturing out children as our top priority, and she was not able to be there for his son as this happened days before she was reunited with him. She was not able to even properly treat the wound. She knew he went through unnecessary pain and had a body part taken from him all..all without even knowing how it was done. Did her son get pain relief? probably not. Was it done at a medical setting or a home? Who knows?

      My two year old son would absolutely be traumatized if this had happened to him. He knows what his penis is. He is even potty trained, and I have always told him what his penis is and that it is HIS and HIS alone and that nobody is ever to do anything to hurt it. I also tell him that if anyone does hurt it our touch it in a way that makes him feel uncomfortable that I need to know about it. He understands this. He is never placed in the care of anyone else, so it isn’t something that I have to worry about right now. But, I do want him to know that his body is HIS body and that in no point in his life should anyone make him feel like he has to sacrifice his autonomy or cause him any pain.

      Can you imagine such a message being ruined by a child having their penis ripped open, crushed and cut…and then, infected? By a child’s father committing sexual assault (don’t know how it could be called anything else) upon the child?

      This matter became more than a private family matter in order to shed awareness on a couple problems here…1- one parent should not hurt a child to get revenge on another parent. 2- a nation that does not protect children from genital mutilation opens the door for a parent to use it as a weapon.

      As far as I know, this mom has not made any of this about her. The statements used to write this article were ones that were sent by her to her friends. Her friends shared them as she is part of a large and well-known community that is more than willing to offer her support. The mother has not asked for any sympathy for anyone other than for her son. She is dying for her son, not herself.

      Will her son go on like the diminishing circumcised population with a “normal life”…yeah, probably, but will he be missing his foreskin and all the pleasure and many functions like the circumcised population..yes. The numbers of circumcised men keep declining. Some states have rates as low as 4% and if a boy moves to another country, they will not have a “normal life like half the male population with a circumcised penis.”

  12. I had both my sons circumcised. I did it because I have known a couple of grown men that had to have it done because of infections. They were not happy campers and it was extremely painful for them. I understand it is painful for a baby too, but my sons don’t remember it now. I also knew a woman that kept getting infections because her husband wasn’t circumcised and refused to do so. So she suffered because she was the one with the yeast infections.