Home homesteading “Zero Waste” Town Opens Brewery Built From Completely Recycled Materials

“Zero Waste” Town Opens Brewery Built From Completely Recycled Materials


The small Japanese town of Kamikatsu is known for its complete and successful commitment to zero waste living. According to Business Insider, residents separate their waste products into 34 categories at the town’s waste center, a pretty tedious task that took some time to adjust to.  As shown in this video, the community uses it as a bonding experience

The town, which already promotes sustainable living practices, took to building a brewery based on the idea that “nothing should go to waste.” The brewery is called the Rise & Win Brewing Co., and the building is the Kamikatz Public House

The Kamikatz Public House, which is one of many community-oriented buildings in the small town, was built by architecture firm Hiroshi Hakamura and NAP.  The brewery is also a bar which sells general supplies and food to locals. It’s built from recycled materials, including its facade, which is made from reclaimed double-pane windows.

The company made an effort to reclaim pieces of the town itself to create the building, including lining the walls with newspapers, using tiles from other buildings, and creating a custom chandelier from bottles salvaged from the area. In a statement, they refer to the declining population of Kamikatsu, but also its enduring values:

“We gathered windows that illuminated the town in the past and dedicated our wish that they would serve as a lantern of hope to shine upon the town struggling with a declining population. The space is full of improvisation and discoveries with this creative combination of waste material for this architecture. The locals who gather at this pub are beginning to truly realize that their actions are fun and creative.”


If you don’t think microbrew beer when you think of Japan, you’re not the only one, but Rise & Win Brewing is just one of the latest to join the craft beer boom in Japan. Though craft breweries have taken the U.S. by storm,  Japan’s has just recently taken interest in the industry over the past few years. Although they’re relatively new at it, they’re experiencing growing success. Osaka’s Minoh Brewery won the World’s Best Imperial IPA award in 2013. The Coedo Brewery in Kawagoe won a silver in the “American-style amber lager” category at the 2014 World Beer Cup. 

Hopefully, Rise & Win’s beer is as good as its environmental business practices and creates a tourism boom that the town so desperately needs.