Home Political Brussels Ran Ad Campaign Mocking the Notion of a Terrorist Attack Two...

Brussels Ran Ad Campaign Mocking the Notion of a Terrorist Attack Two Months Ago


Right after the Tuesday’s deadly bombing that killed at least 34 people, Brussels tourism officials may look at an advertisement ran two months ago ridiculing the idea the city was a center of Islamic with some regret.

The ad campaign was made to mock the notion that Brussels is a hub for terrorism.

The city set up a series of phones that people could call from all around the world and have everyday people in Brussels answer. “Did you see some people who are fighting with guns or bombs?” one caller asks.

“No!” the person who answered the phone laughs. “Oh my god, no way!”


“After Brussels was linked to terror plots, the international media portrayed the city as a warzone,” the ad read. “We wanted to change this perception with an honest answer.”

“Is it safe for this moment?” another caller asks.

“Of course it’s safe, it’s very safe,” the Belgian answers.

Thanks to Daily Caller for making us aware of the ad

Watch above, via YouTube.